Worldwide Brands Affiliate Center
Need Some Help?
Please visit our
Frequently Asked Questions
area prior to emailing the Affiliate Manager with questions. Most of your commonly
asked questions are provided.
If you cannot find the support you are looking for, please feel free to fill out
the Affiliate Support Form. Please allow 1-2 business days for a response to your

General Questions about Affiliate Programs:
- What is Affiliate Marketing? Affiliate Marketing is a performance-based,
revenue-sharing marketing strategy utilized by many ecommerce merchants to promote
their products. Affiliates consist of any one who wants to generate extra income
by promoting another merchants products through their websites, e-stores, opt-in
email databases, etc. Merchants pay the Affiliates a commission for referring business
to the merchant website resulting in a desired action occurring such as a sale,
lead, download or subscription. Worldwide Brands affiliate marketing strategy is
based on pay per sale plan. For every sale made by traffic through an affiliates
website, the affiliate earns a 25% commission on the sale. For any referred affiliate
sale, the first tier affiliate receives an additional 10% commission on the sale.
- Do I Have To Have A Website To Become An Affiliate? In
most cases, the answer is yes. We prefer Affiliates who are active on the Internet
and are looking for additional income opportunities for their websites. However,
all you need is the ability to generate traffic through a link (such as a text link
or banner in an email). Make sure that you are using opt-in e-mails. Worldwide Brands
has a strict NO SPAMMING policy. If you are planning on promoting your affiliate
link(s) through search engines or established sites such as eBay or
MySpace, then
we strongly recommend that you review their policies and regulations on displaying
affiliate links to external websites.
- Where can I get Training on Affiliate Marketing?
offers a free training center that you can find a variety of information about affiliate
marketing such as how to get started and how it all works. You can access the training
center through your Affiliate Administration area. Go to the Affiliate Center and
Login to your account and select the "Training Center" tab.
- How do Affiliate Programs work? There are many different types of affiliate
programs. Affiliate Programs are FREE to join. After joining you will receive a
unique Affiliate id to use with a text ad or a banner ad (we provide you with a
selection to choose from) on your site, OR you can use our links in your emails!
Worldwide Brands assigns a unique number as your affiliate id. Your affiliate number
is used to track visitors from your site or your email to ours. A cookie is placed
on the visitor's computer. Different companies have different settings but for Worldwide
Brands the cookie life is set for 180 days. Each visitor is tracked so that even
if a visitor doesn't buy on their first visit, but returns later to purchase any
of our products, we will know it came from your site. You'll earn a commission on
any sales made to that customer as long as the cookie has not been deleted or replaced
by another affiliate's cookie.
- Questions about Worldwide Brands' Affiliate Program:
- How
often can I check my sales? Our affiliate management system is REAL
TIME which means you have access 24 hours a day and can check your account as often
as you like. The administration area gives you the ability to see your click thru
rates, banner impressions, Confirmed Sales, Tier Sales, Tier Commission, Commission
due for the month. Plus, an email will be sent notifying you on activity within
your account such as a sale made through your affiliate code or one of your referrals
signed up as an affiliate.
- Why does Worldwide Brands use a third party solution provider? Worldwide
Brands uses (Kowabunga Technologies) to manage the tracking
of commissions and sales associated to affiliate IDs. We chose this arrangement
to ensure you that all your sales and statistics will be accurately recorded and
- How and
when do I get paid? Our Accounting Department issues checks
during the second week of every month for the previous months sales. If you have
questions regarding your checks at any time, you can call or email the Affiliate
Manager. Starting January 2007, if you would prefer to be paid via PayPal you can
opt-in to it by logging into your Affiliate Administration Area and updating your
Account Profile.
- What is Worldwide Brands Customer Profile? EVERY Internet
product seller, including the tens of millions who use eBay, is a potential customer.
Our customer profile includes new entrepreneurs who are just getting started and
experienced entrepreneurs who looking to expand with new suppliers. It also includes
anyone who is looking to find what they want to sell. Not many Affiliate Programs
have such a broad market!
- When and How do I need to fill out a W9 or W8BEN for taxes?By federal law, Worldwide Brands is required to file 1099s for any United States company
or person earning over $600.00 for the calendar year. Worldwide Brands will provide
a W9 form for you to fill out after initial account setup. An updated W9 form will
need to be submitted annually. After receiving the form, please make sure that the
name under Name or Business Name is legible and that Worldwide Brands, Inc. is listed
under the block labeled "Requestor's Name and Address (Optional)".
International affiliates (affiliates residing outside the United States) are required to submit
a W8BEN prior to receiving the first commission check. Worldwide Brands will provide
a W8BEN form for you to fill out after initial account setup. commission checks
will be held until the W8BEN form is received. Completion of these forms is a US
government requirement. Taxes are not withheld by Worldwide Brands, but without
the form on file payments can not be sent to international account holders.
Once completed, submit the W9 or W8BEN form using one of these methods:
*Fax your completed form to FAX # 1-877-212-9791
*Mail it to ATTN: Affiliate Manager, Worldwide Brands, Inc.,
465 S. Orlando
Ave. #209, Maitland, FL 32751
*Email a scanned copy in PDF Format of your signed form to
- I am not receiving any email from Worldwide Brands confirming
commissions or general contact information. Any communications will be made to the
email address that you provided us in you profile. Please keep your contact information
up to date and white list for all communications.
You can update your contact information by logging in to your Affiliate Login through
the Affiliate Center.
- How can I check that my affiliate code is working correctly?
Instructions to confirm the affiliate code is correct in the link or banner code
on your website:
1) Log in to your Affiliate account through the Affiliate Login
in the Affiliate Center. Use your affiliate id as username. If you have forgotten
your password, select Email Lost Password, and it will be emailed to the email in
your profile.
2) Select the affiliate links on your website
3) Select Refresh on
the your administration page to confirm that the click thrus are updating on the
Affiliate Administration statistics table. The table updates in real time for the
click-thrus, so you can select your links on your website and confirm the number
of click-thrus listed on the Administration page. If your code is correct then the
click-thrus will update respectively.
- I lost my password to my Administration area. Can you send
it to me?
We use a third party affiliate program which does not give us access to your password
protected statistics page or your password. Log in to your Affiliate account through
the Affiliate Login in the Affiliate Center. Enter your affiliate ID and then select
"Email lost password." Your password will be emailed to the email address on file. If
you do not have access to the email address on file, then send a request to the
Affiliate Manager to have your password reset. For security purposes, please include
in your email your mailing address on file, email address on file, or phone number
on file for verification. The affiliate manager will send a request to have your
password reset. This process may take a couple of days pending the customer support
center availability at
- I forgot my Affiliate ID. Could you please send it to me?
Send a request to the Affiliate Manager to have your affiliate code sent to you
via email. For security purposes, please include in your email your mailing address
on file, email address on file, or phone number on file for verification.
- I don't have access to my email on file anymore and I lost
my password. Can I have the password reset? We use a third party solution provider
which does not give us access to your password protected statistics page or your
password. Send a request to the Affiliate Manager to have your password reset. For
security purposes, please include in your email your mailing address on file, email
address on file, or phone number on file for verification. The affiliate manager
will send a request to Worldwide Brands third party solution provider to have your
password reset. This process may take a couple of days pending the customer support
center availability at the third party solution provider.
- I use the old style links. Do they still work? Yes, the old
style links that redirect through myaffiliateprogram continue to work as normal.
However, we will be offering new features in the future that will require your links
to be updated. In addition, the old style links do not give you the benefit of Search
Engine Optimization because they do not link directly to our site. They link directly
to instead. We recommend updating them as soon as possible.
- How do I change my payment method? Login to your
Affiliate Administration Account and update the PayPal Field address with your PayPal
email address and select Yes to receive PayPal payment. If you do not want to receive
PayPal payments, you can leave this blank and select No for PayPal Payments.