How to sell products online is one of the most common mistakes retailers make. The actual selling part of their business can be a challenge. As a retailer, it’s your job to get people to your store and sell them what you have to offer — especially now that consumers can find products for less through third party networks like eBay and Amazon.
Though you’re not in a store, you still need to present the products you’re selling in the best light possible and inform the customer not only what the product is, but also why they need it. This is where the art of the sales person and pitch comes into play. Just as it comes into play during the experience in a physical store, the people browsing your products online require some sort of sales pitch and buying experience if they’re going to purchase from you.
A few things to keep in mind while creating your products sales pages include the following:
How to Sell: Keep It Organized

Just as with all retail stores, you need to provide your customer with an experience they find pleasant and welcoming. Achieving this is as simple as keeping your website organized and helpful. Refrain from too many distractions, yet provide enough product on your site to attract potential buyers to purchase additional items.
The key is to make it easy for your visitor to navigate while still using the space you have to cross-promote products and lead customers toward that check out area.
How to Sell: Link It Up … In a New Window
Building links between your product pages, blog posts, and other pages is an important aspect of running a website. For business owners, it’s how you send people to other areas or products on your website (much like telling someone something is on aisle 14, website owners can offer a hyperlink to that area). However, you have to be careful when interlinking between pages because often times a visitor will be set on buying something, then navigate away from the page. To avoid this, simply add the specification for the link to open in a new window or tab. This will enable your customer to view the new page, without leaving the first page.
In essence, this is a tool that enables the website owner to avoid losing the customer forever when they shut the second window.
This helps keep the visitor on your website, which in turn helps increase sales. Of course you don’t want to put them into an endless cycle of new pages or tabs. Be choosy on what those new windows or tabs will be. Not everything needs to open in a new one.
Make it Easy to Contact You

Another problematic area for a lot of online retailers is offering a way for visitors to contact them for more information about a product or special offer. This is absolutely crucial if you hope to persuade customers to buy from you. Without the ability to contact you, they aren’t going to trust you.
Providing your contact information or a contact form should be a part of every sales pitch, just as it is with retail stores offline. Phone number or email address or both, social networks, and a reminder of the website where they’re viewing the product — all of these will help increase the potential of visitors buying from you.
Combining these few tips will increase the potential your product page has of converting a visitor to a customer.
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