A Middleman has a few definitions, and there is definitely a common misconception about what we (here at WorldwideBrands.com) mean when we say “middleman”. Websters Dictionary (full definition) states that a middleman is; parties; especially :  a dealer, agent, or company intermediate between the producer of goods and the retailer or consumer Synonyms: Broker, go-between, intermediary etc.

This full definition is what we mean when we talk about middlemen and what retailers should avoid. You see, the important thing here with the definition is that it says the middleman is who is in between the producer of goods and the retailer. A middleman doesn’t have a warehouse and doesn’t deliver the products they are representing. They are only passing the orders along to the real company. That real company will deliver the products to the retailer or to the consumer directly.

Another definition that some use of a middleman (which causes the confusion) is that they are purchasing products from the manufacturer and then wholesaling them again. But we disagree with this definition. A company that purchases from the manufacturer and wholesales them to retailers is simply a wholesaler. Another possibility is that they could be the factory authorized distributor if the manufacturer won’t wholesale to retailers directly.

The important thing here to note is that we do not consider any company that actually holds inventory a middleman.

No Middlemen Allowed

we do not allow any middleman into our directory.

However, we only list manufacturers and factory authorized distributors in our Wholesaler and Dropshipper Directory. If the manufacturer won’t work with retailers, we contact their factory authorized distributors. We do not list plain ol’ wholesalers or sub-wholesalers (which are wholesalers that purchase from other wholesalers).

When you work with a middleman or a sub-wholesaler, you aren’t getting the best wholesale prices, because these “wholesalers” raise the wholesale cost. You could be buying it cheaper by going to the source of the products directly. This is why so many online retailers love our Directory at WorldwideBrands.com. We only provide those top-level wholesalers to our members for the best prices & superior service. We cut out the middleman that run rampant online. It’s all part of our wholesale scam protection.

We take our time verifying the information that we gather from these wholesale companies and we turn down listings in our Directory often because a company doesn’t meet our criteria. We only want to protect our members and their consumers by providing them with the best sources of products we can. Which of course means, No Middlemen Allowed!

By Tisha Hedges

Director of Operations for Worldwide Brands, Inc

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