Meet this Week's Featured Supplier:
Who they Are:
We have been in business for 12 years. We have grown to be one of the largest suppliers of hand dryers and restroom products (accessories / fixtures ) in the Northeast & we are now becoming well known on a national level as well as our business expands because of excellent customer service, product knowledge and pricing!
Product Line:
We specialize in supplying top-quality washroom products at the best possible prices. Our best selling items include Hand Dryers, Bathroom Partitions / Stalls, lavatory faucets, automatic flush valves, baby changing stations, waterless urinals, and washroom accessories.
Advice to Online Retailers:
Please make sure you are very careful following the Minimum Advertised Pricing Documents that we send companies that are interested in selling our products. If caught marketing or advertising below these levels, We have to immediately shut your business down from selling our products. Excel Dryer for example, has a full time staff member that scours the internet every day looking for these wrong doers. They are trying to protect their products price point, and it makes all the sense in the world.
Retailer Testimonial:
I was using Worldwide Brands to try to find a good niche product and Newton Distributing came up on my short list. All I can say is Josh Thielen at Newton has been a pleasure to work with. He helped me set up my account and works closely with me to get me what I need. I would recommend Josh and Newton to anyone looking for a good distributor to work with." Michael F
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