Every week we find, verify and certify new Wholesalers who
will work with online sellers. Only the best of the best make
their way into our Directory of Certified Wholesalers.

Here's some of the product lines we've found new Wholesalers
for this week...

wholesale work boots
wholesale athletic shoes
wholesale handcrafted decor
wholesale wooden lamps
wholesale nautical decor
wholesale model ships
wholesale gluten free mixes
wholesale tennis apparel
wholesale tennis racquets
wholesale alkaline water
wholesale water ionizers
wholesale custom watches
wholesale novelty watches
wholesale plumbing tools
wholesale pipe freezing kits

Did You Know? If you're looking for specific products to sell online
you can search our entire database of Certified Wholesalers for FREE
to see if we list Certified Wholesalers for that product. Click Here

The 7 Deadly Sins of Store Design Sin #5: Shopping Cart/Checkout Mishaps

Creating a beautiful, easy to navigate online retail store is a way to get sales and keep customers coming back to you. Over the course of the next 7 weeks I will talk about the 7 Deadly Sins of site design that many new online retailers forget about or commit these sins without thinking about it. Don't just do things to your site that you like, because there may be too many people that don't like your favorite choices. You have to have a site design that appeals to a larger crowd.

Below is Sin #5. To see Sin's #1 though #4 go here; http://www.worldwidebrands.com/blog/

Deadly Sin #5: Shopping Cart/Checkout Mishaps
A major downfall of many online stores is their shopping cart/checkout sequence.

If you take your customers through a long and lengthy checkout process, they may just up and leave half way through. I have seen checkouts with large forms to fill out, multiple pages to go through and pages upon pages of suggested products to add to my shopping cart before I can even enter my credit card details.

Keep this in mind, your customer has already been on your site for a while debating on the right product to buy, and then you hit them with a lengthy checkout process. Don't do it! If you want your customers to register, and get a login for a My Account area, please do so! But do it AFTER they purchase or give them the option during the checkout process to choose to do that right from the start.

Read the rest HERE!

Did You Know? We are the ONLY Directory that offers 100%
Genuine Certified Wholesalers for online sellers! We even list
Wholesalers used by BIG Retail Stores! Click Here to learn more.

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than finding Wholesalers? Not a problem. We've been working with
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Certifying Wholesalers since 1999