This Week's Newsletter
  • Tradeshow Calendar Updates
    Check and see if a product wholesale tradeshow
    is headed to your area!

  • Insider Tips
    Tips, tricks and features to help you get the most
    out of our Directory of Certified Wholesalers.

  • Directory Sneak-Peek
    New Products Added! Browse thru a sample of
    the wholesale products from the Suppliers we
    added this week.

About Us
At Worldwide Brands, our passion is making sure Online Sellers have access to the same top quality (actual Supply Chain) Wholesalers that professional Retail Stores use. Watch our Video above.
This Week's Newsletter
  • Tradeshow Calendar Updates
    Check and see if a product wholesale tradeshow is headed to your area!

  • Insider Tips
    Tips, tricks and features to help you get the most out of our Directory of Certified Wholesalers.

  • Directory Sneak-Peek
    New Products Added! Browse thru a sample of the wholesale products from the Suppliers we added this week.

About Us
At Worldwide Brands, our passion is making sure Online Sellers have access to the same top quality (actual Supply Chain) Wholesalers that professional Retail Stores use. Watch our Video above.

On The Road Again...
Wholesale Tradeshow Calendar

Wholesale Product Tradeshows are a great place to see the latest products and even get an insight into upcoming trends. Even though some tradeshows can be expensive to attend (and require retailer registration info) you'll be able to see lots of legit Suppliers. Many of the Suppliers we list in our Directory of Certified Wholesalers have come from Tradeshow leads so you might even run into our Research Staff!

On The Road Again...
Wholesale Tradeshow Calendar

Wholesale Product Tradeshows are a great place to see the latest products and even get an insight into upcoming trends. Even though some tradeshows can be expensive to attend (and require retailer registration info) you'll be able to see lots of legit Suppliers. Many of the Suppliers we list in our Directory of Certified Wholesalers have come from Tradeshow leads so you might even run into our Research Staff!

June 10-12, 2018 MODA Clothing Show New York, NY
June 10-12, 2018 Accessories the Show New York, NY
June 10-12, 2018 FAME Junior Clothing Show New York, NY
June 12-14, 2018 World Tea Expo Las Vegas, NV

Don't have time for Tradeshows?

As a Member of Worldwide Brands you don't have to go to Tradeshows to find genuine suppliers. We visit Tradeshows, Warehouses and more to find the best Suppliers for YOU. All you have to do is login and you can instantly search 100% genuine Suppliers from the comfort of your home. (Not a Worldwide Brands Member? Click Here to Join)

Don't have time for Tradeshows?

As a Member of Worldwide Brands you don't have to go to Tradeshows to find genuine suppliers. We visit Tradeshows, Warehouses and more to find the best Suppliers for YOU. All you have to do is login and you can instantly search 100% genuine Suppliers from the comfort of your home. (Not a Worldwide Brands Member? Click Here to Join)
This Week's Insider Tip
Setting Up Accounts with Wholesale Suppliers
By Tisha Hedges, Director of Operations of Worldwide Brands

Currently, in our Worldwide Brands Directory of Wholesale Suppliers, we list thousands of genuine, verified Drop Ship and Light Bulk Wholesale Suppliers. We're very proud of those numbers; it took a long time and a great deal of difficult research to get there. That's more genuine Wholesalers, by far, than are listed in all the other lists and "directories" out there combined. We continue to add new distributors all the time.

However, once in a while we lose a distributor or two as well.

Why? Do they decide they no longer want to sell to home-based business? Do they go out of business? No. They decide that they don't want to deal with the number of people we send them who do not follow their instructions when setting up a new account!

This can be a bad thing for both of us.

For us, it's bad because we spend a great deal of time and money researching genuine Wholesalers. We don't just pull these companies out of a quick trip to a Search Engine, like all the other lists and "directories" on the Internet. As you know from reading our site, we put a great deal of effort into our research that we develop into just a few real Wholesale Suppliers that "make the cut" into our Directory. We don't like to lose those companies, but if they tell us to remove them, we remove them.

For you, it's bad because every Drop Shipper and Light Bulk Wholesaler that drops out of our Directory is a lost opportunity for you. You won't find most of these companies listed anywhere else, in any other list or "directory". As I said, we don't just search the Search Engines. We spend a lot of time, money and effort researching these wholesale suppliers and we love what we do!

The one reason, more than any other by far, that a Wholesale Supplier requests to be removed from our Directory is because they get tired of dealing with people who do not pay attention to their instructions on setting up new Accounts.

Let's look at it from the Suppliers' point of view. They think it's wonderful to be in our Directory. We do not charge them a cent to be listed with us. If we did, there might be many companies who would not be willing to pay a listing fee. We would be short-changing you, our Members, by excluding legitimate Suppliers from our Directory simply out of greed. That's not the way we operate. We list all qualified, genuine Wholesalers for free.

Again, the Suppliers think that's great. We get emails and phone calls from them, telling us how wonderful they think our Wholesale Directory is for their businesses. However, you have to understand that they are now getting a lot of new Account sign-ups, from our Members.

To the Supplier, that means Paperwork, and sometimes lots of it, depending on how they have their business set up. They all need to know who you are, so they have to process your New Account information. That takes them time. Most of them have to assign you to a specific Sales Rep. More paperwork; more time. Nearly all of them need to get a copy of your Tax ID. More paperwork; more time. After they have your New Account fully set up and processed, they already have a certain amount of time invested in you.

In the reality of the Business World, only about 10% of a Wholesale Supplier's New Account sign-ups will ever do business with them. We know that a lot of our Members, when they get our Directory, go a little wild and start signing up for accounts with nearly every Supplier we list!  That's NEVER our recommendation, but it happens anyway! Those people who sign up for so many Accounts only tend to end up using a small number of them, once they finally decide what they want to sell.

As a result, about 90% of the New Account sign-ups that a Wholesale Supplier gets from our Members end up being unused; that Member will go off and use Accounts they set up with other Suppliers instead.

That, in itself, is not a bad thing. Wholesalers in general are used to this kind of thing. It's a normal part of the wholesale-retail relationship, and the Wholesalers can handle that. The point at which some Wholesale Suppliers begin to get upset is when some few of our Members don't bother to follow the Suppliers' instructions.

I was talking with one of the owners of a Drop Ship wholesale company in our Directory not long ago about this issue. He said that they have a very clear and simple sign-up process outlined on their Web Site, and that they had spent a good deal of money setting up and automating that process. I went to their web site to look at the process myself. It couldn't have been simpler.

"I get emails all the time from your Members asking about New Accounts", he said, "and that's great. I have a standard email I send back, with instructions on how to go to our web site and sign up. But then, many of those people write back, asking more questions about the Account Signup Process. It's all explained right there on the web site, where I told them to go in the first place. It seems that they just don't want to take the time to read it. We don't mind answering calls and emails from our Retailers. That's part of our Customer Service. But, when we have to take time away from helping our existing Retailers in order to tell someone something that is already very obvious, it gets frustrating".

"Then", he went on to say, "we get people who are incredibly impatient. I get phone calls from people who say, 'I emailed your company three times already about setting up a New Account, and nobody got back to me!' We know our Customer Service is better than that, so we check our email Inbox. What we find is that they emailed us three times within the past hour, and we just haven't had time to get back to them yet!"

We then talked about the thing that frustrates him the most. "People just bypass the whole process sometimes", he said. "We'll get emails that say 'my name is Joe Smith, here's my address, and this is my Tax ID. Set me up a New Account right away'. We simply will not do that, when we have a process already in place that's designed to save us time, and save them time as well. They can go through the process on our site in just about five minutes, and our Database automatically sets them up with everything they need. We didn't spend time and money developing that system so that we could go back and manually enter an Account for anyone who doesn't feel like following our process."

As you can see, there are reasons for following the processes laid out by the Wholesalers we list in our Directory. This gentleman was considering asking us to remove his company from our Directory. Of course, we did not want to lose him, so I told him that we would write this article in order to help all of our Members to understand what suppliers like him go through in order to set up new Accounts.

We know that most of our Members do follow the processes that our Wholesalers ask them to. This article isn't meant to chastise anyone. It's just meant to help everyone understand these things from the Wholesalers' point of view. The better you understand the companies you work with, the more successfully you can work with them! :)

So, here's a quick list of things to remember when signing up for a New Account with a Wholesale Supplier, or with any Service or Supply company you might use in your business:

  • Read the company's web site before calling or writing with questions. Most of the time the answer is already there for you.
  • Don't get impatient! In the real business world, things take time. Many companies can set you up with an Account either instantly, or within a day or two. Sometimes it takes a week or two. Again, you'll usually find Processing Time information right on their web sites.
  • Don't try to shortcut the process! There are good reasons for the processes that Suppliers use. They generally do not like it when someone tries to "move to the front of the line" by calling or emailing outside of their process.

As I said, these tips work well for any company you work with, not just your Suppliers. You need the goodwill of the people who service and supply your business, so work within their processes, and you'll find them very easy to work with!

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Need more tips? Read our Free eBook "Starting Your Internet Business Right". This popular free eBook has helped so many online retailers get their businesses started out the right way. Learn about getting legal, about legitimate wholesale suppliers, how to conduct parts of your business, learn about scams to stay away from and more.

It's a free eBook. No strings attached. We won't ask you for your email address or a credit card. Just go the above link and download it to get on the right path to success.


Directory Sneak-Peek
Wholesale Products Added This Week!
We are always working hard to find our Members the BEST possible Wholesale Drop Shippers and Bulk Distributors. Here's a small sample of the latest Certified Wholesalers our Research Team added to our Directory of Certified Wholesalers this past week...

Clothing, Shoes & Accessories

Clothing, Shoes & Accessories

Home & Garden

Clothing, Shoes & Accessories

Clothing, Shoes & Accessories

Jewelry & Watches

Health & Beauty

Home & Garden

Health & Beauty

Consumer Electronics


Jewelry & Watches

Jewelry & Watches

Home & Garden

(Note: This is only a small sample. Login to see ALL New Suppliers added this week.)

Helpful Ecommerce
Trusted Service Spotlight
We ONLY recommend Services we know and TRUST. In fact, some of the services we recommend we don't take any commissions. We do it because we know it's a services that can really help you. If you are looking for the help they are offering then you should check them out. They are places you can trust.
Real Wholesalers!

To run a successful online business, you need genuine wholesale suppliers to supply products to you and your customers. But with the fake wholesalers & bad information in the search engines, it's easy to fall into scam traps.

So how do you protect your business and your customers from getting scammed by these fake wholesalers? By working only with real Wholesale Suppliers!

Since 1999, we have been building a Directory of fully verified and qualified wholesale suppliers that ALL work with online retailers. With a Worldwide Brands Membership, you never have to worry about scam suppliers, counterfeit products, or middlemen.

Gain access to our always growing and changing online Directory that contains:

  • Dropshippers
  • Light Bulk Wholesalers (min. orders under $500)
  • Liquidators and Importers
  • Large Volume Wholesalers

Check us out today!

What to Sell Online?

If you're new to online selling and need help picking the best products to start selling on Amazon or in your new online store then you need to get the Sell Niches Bundle.

The Sell Niches Bundle is a complete product market research system made specifically for beginners. It has helped many of our Members who were stuck trying to figure out something to sell.

We DO NOT get paid for recommending this product. We recommend it because (if you're a beginner) it will really help you figure out what to sell.

Check them out!